whats next???

1. Finish draft concept on this blog disclosing the overall mission, vision and strategy of the WOW fund.
2. Jim and Dixie prayerfully consider the draft details and come to a consensus on the concept.
3. Share http://www.thewowfund.org/ link with core network, potential board members and select sponsors.  Ask for a complete review of the concept followed by a time of prayer.
4. Ask the group to join the conversation and to begin a thread on the blog of where this could possibly go, how it could or couldn't work, etc..
5. Consider the feedback and prayerfully consider retooling/fine-tuning or scrapping the concept.

If we proceed:
1. Draft final concept, document, and circulate to core group.
2. Draft bylaws
3. Obtain verbals on board members
4. Kick-off initial creative sessions to develop brand image and brand message centered around final mission, vision and strategy.
5. File 501c app
6. ...in process...continue building out an execution strategy and roadmap depending on final operating model.